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  • Activate JITO:

    • This option is for both buying and selling. If enabled, the bot will buy using JITO and pay the configured JITO tip in the next option. By default, it is set to false, which means it is turned off.

    Available options: False=Off / True=On

  • JITO Tip Amount:

    • This is the tip that the bot will use for generating buy and sell transactions. By default, it is set to 0.001 SOL.

    Available options: False=Off / True=On

  • Force buying and selling transactions by paying higher fees:

    • This option calculates, before making the buy or sell transaction, the tips currently being paid for JITO, and the value is calculated as follows:
      • Add 95% of the tips being used plus the value of 50% divided by 6.
    • By default, it is set to false, which means this option would be turned off.

    Available options: False=Off / True=On

  • Sell all tokens?

    • When generating the sell transaction, the bot will take this option from the user's configuration to know how many tokens to sell. If the option is true, 100% of the tokens will be sold. If the option is false, 99% of the tokens will be sold.
    • Why? you may be wondering, well, this is a good option for once you have a ridiculous amount of operations done with your wallet, you can go to the Sol-Incinerator to close the newly opened accounts that are created when buy transactions are generated on Solana, and by closing them, we get back 0.002 SOL per token/closed account. For example, if you have that 1% that the bot didn't sell out of 50 tokens, you would collect 0.1 SOL through this website, which you wouldn't have the option to do if you had sold 100% of the tokens.

    Available options (True=100% / False=99%)

  • Does it have social media?

    • This option is for filtering if the token has a website (the website is not a twitter/x website), has Twitter (it must have the domain or, Telegram (it must have the domain,, or The available options are true=to enable it, false=to disable it.
    • The order in which it should be written is WEB-TWITTER-TELEGRAM, for example, I want the tokens I search for to have Twitter with its domain and Telegram, I don't care if it has a website or not; then we would put false-true-true.
    • The hyphens between true or false must be included. They can be in uppercase or lowercase, it doesn't matter, the bot detects it correctly.

    Available options for each section: True=filter enabled / False=filter disabled